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  • Whole of life and over 50s coverage
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Note: Not all of our partners offer an advised service.

By clicking 'GET MY FREE QUOTE' you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions and agree that one of our Financial Conduct Authority authorised brokers can contact you by phone, email or electronic messaging to provide the comparison service. Whilst not all of our partners offer an advised service they all use a sufficient panel of household insurers. Whilst use of is completely free and without obligation our partners may receive a commission from your insurer for incepting and servicing your policy. Our broker partner(s) will usually contact the majority of customers within the hour. However, if it is currently outside office hours, this could be the next working day

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Protect your loved ones, get a quote today

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Tell us about you with an easy, no-pressure, form submission.

2. Use our fee-free service

Our partners will assess your personal circumstances and present the most suitable option they can find.

3. Mull things over

Take a look at the proposed policy and consider carefully if the agreement is right for you.

4. Get some peace of mind

Your coverage is in place! You can cross this task off your to do list.

Family on a picninc

How can life insurance help safeguard your family?

With the average cost of a funeral director-led burial coming in at £4,794, life insurance can provide some support during what is bound to be a difficult time. Not to mention, if you’re the primary household earner, some forms of life insurance can replace your income to help maintain your family’s lifestyle for a set period of time as they adjust, for example, the policy can be used by a partner to pay for mortgage bills, childcare support, and tuition fees. This can be particularly helpful if a partner needs to retrain to replace your income long-term. Some policies can also be used to cover inheritance taxes, charitable contributions, support during a critical illness, and debt repayment.

It’s important to be aware that payouts are not guaranteed and terms and conditions can vary significantly among providers. That’s why we always recommend our users closely assess the T&Cs of their policy to ensure they choose the solution that most suits their family’s financial goals.

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Empowering families across the UK

Your family deserves financial security and while no one can predict the future, we can help you plan for it with personalised support from a nationwide team.

“As the sole source of income for my family, the thought of leaving them unprepared filled me with dread, but I didn’t have the time to endlessly scroll looking for the right policy. I submitted a form on the Life Insurance Protect website and they came back to me really quickly with an insurer that fit my budget and needs perfectly. Honestly can’t recommend them enough for any busy dads.”

- Lee


Quoted rates may vary and are subject to individual status and medical underwriting. Correct as of 7th February 2025.

†From £10 per month for up to £300,000 is an example based on the following pricing illustrations. £10 per month Life Insurance quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as on 7th February 2025.

£322,952 over 20 years Aviva Logo

30 years old born in 1995

£197,619 over 20 years Aviva Logo

35 years old born in 1990

£159,606 over 15 years Aviva Logo

40 years old born in 1985

£92,280 over 15 years Aviva Logo

45 years old born in 1980

£67,652 over 10 years Aviva Logo

50 years old born in 1975

£37,971 over 10 years Aviva Logo

55 years old born in 1970

£20,242 over 10 years Aviva Logo

60 years old born in 1965

£12,368 over 10 years Aviva Logo

65 years old born in 1960

£7,497 over 10 years Aviva Logo

70 years old born in 1955

†From £5 per month for up to £100,000 is an example based on the following pricing illustrations.£5 per month Life Insurance quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as on 7th February 2025.

£117,810 over 20 years Aviva Logo

30 years old born in 1995

£75,745 over 20 years Aviva Logo

35 years old born in 1990

£56,577 over 15 years Aviva Logo

40 years old born in 1985

£35,960 over 15 years Aviva Logo

45 years old born in 1980

£26,787 over 10 years Aviva Logo

50 years old born in 1975

£17,018 over 10 years Aviva Logo

55 years old born in 1970

£10,115 over 10 years Aviva Logo

60 years old born in 1965

£6,181 over 10 years Aviva Logo

65 years old born in 1960

£3,746 over 10 years Aviva Logo

70 years old born in 1955

£4.18 per month AIG Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£4.35 per month AIG Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£4.62 per month AIG Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£4.88 per month AIG Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£5.16 per month AIG Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£6.98 per month AIG Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£7.93 per month AIG Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£8.71 per month AIG Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£9.48 per month AIG Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£10.19 per month AIG Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£10.31 per month Aviva Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£11.56 per month Aviva Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£12.84 per month Aviva Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£14.12 per month Aviva Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£15.40 per month Aviva Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£23.55 per month AIG Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£25.95 per month Legal & General Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£29.37 per month Legal & General Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£32.79 per month Legal & General Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£36.20 per month AIG Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£43.40 per month Legal & General Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£48.22 per month Legal & General Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£54.82 per month Legal & General Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£61.42 per month Legal & General Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£68.02 per month Legal & General Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 30 Years

£120.56 per month Aviva Logo

£150,000 level term Life Cover for 20 Years

£137.98 per month Aviva Logo

£175,000 level term Life Cover for 20 Years

£159.67 per month Aviva Logo

£200,000 level term Life Cover for 20 Years

£181.36 per month Aviva Logo

£225,000 level term Life Cover for 20 Years

£203.05 per month Aviva Logo

£250,000 level term Life Cover for 20 Years

Critical Illness

Life Insurance and Critical Illness Cover quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as of 7th February 2025.

From £10 per month

£30,753 over 20 years Legal & General Logo

30 year old born in 1994

£22,278 over 20 years Aviva Logo

35 years old born in 1989

£18,353 over 15 years Aviva Logo

40 years old born in 1984

£13,425 over 15 years Aviva Logo

45 years old born in 1979

£10,171 over 10 years Aviva Logo

50 years old born in 1974

£7,100 over 10 years Aviva Logo

55 years old born in 1969

£4,805 over 10 years Aviva Logo

60 years old born in 1964

Whole of Life

Whole of Life Cover quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as of 7th February 2025.

From £8 per month

£5,437 sum assured Legal & General Logo

30 year old born in 1993

£4,624 sum assured Aviva Logo

35 years old born in 1988

£3,931 sum assured Aviva Logo

40 years old born in 1983

£3,345 sum assured Aviva Logo

45 years old born in 1978

£3,137 sum assured Aviva Logo

50 years old born in 1973

£2,655 sum assured Aviva Logo

55 years old born in 1968

£2,277 sum assured Aviva Logo

60 years old born in 1963